Image from Google

Learning Objectives:

Create a model and a transition video of meiosis cell division.

Your friend from the USA has recently call you to explain her problem in understanding the meiotic cell division. She seems troubled. So, you and your friends have decided to help her out by creating a fun and short video (TikTok inspired).


  1. Each of you will be divided into group of 8.
  2. You will create a model of each phase (Prophase I – Telophase II) . One student one phase.
  3. It has to be synchronized.
  4. Create a 1 minute transition video of each phase using the model created.  (in the video, you should be seen holding the phase you created – zoom in to take clear video of the model)
  5. You must also include the description for each phase

To create the model,

You need

1. Paper plate – for the cell
2. 2 colours of plasticine – for chromosomes
3. Marker pen – to draw the rest of the structures in the cell (e.g.  nucleus, spindle fibres and centriole)

If you don’t have the materials above, you can also use any other materials to create your model, but it has to be the same materials for the rest of your group.


Image from Google

Example Video done by Form 4 students of SMK Convent, Sitiawan



10 marks – correctly done model (should be able to see clearly in the video), each phase must be correct.

5 marks – creativity

5 marks – teamwork (depends on outcome of the video)

Performance Level

  1. Recall the knowledge and basic scientific skills of cell division
  2. Understand and able to explain cell division.
  3. Apply knowledge and skills about cell division to carry out simple task.
  4. Analyse information about cell division and apply science skills in the context of problem solving.
  5. Evaluate to make judgement about cell division and apply science skills in the context of problem solving and decision making to carry out a task.
  6. Create using knowledge and scientific skills related to cell division in the context of problem solving and decision making or carrying out an assignment in a new situation creatively and innovatively giving due consideration to the social values/ economy/ culture of the community.

Lesson created by,
Natasha Kaur a/p Mindar Singh
Ketua Panitia Biologi
SMK Convent, Sitiawan

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