Student Emotional Learning Improvement.

This week, I was away from school for a meeting and my students were given a task to engage in some self-learning. They had an introduction writing lesson where they were asked to write a letter to their future selves. I uploaded the detailed instructions on Google Classroom and also sent them via our Telegram…

Embracing Your Unique Self

Picture this: you find yourself in a busy coffee shop, surrounded by strangers. You’re sipping on your hot latte, scrolling through your phone, when suddenly you feel a shift in the atmosphere. You glance up and notice that several people seem to be looking in your direction. Your heart starts to race as you wonder…

SEL with Coach Rudy

I haven’t written in a while, but I believe this post is worth sharing because it reminds us that true learning comes from reflecting on our experiences. I recently had the opportunity to attend an enlightening and inspiring Social Emotional Learning (SEL) teacher training program in Kuala Lumpur, organized by Arus Academy. As someone who…